Monday, October 20, 2008

October brings me more control

It's now the 20th of October and I already earned 238 dollars this month. I expect to achieve 350 dollars at the end of the month. This month I pushed down my ad expenses and noticed more visits are coming through search engines. Also more people from different countries are visiting my websites. This is done by translating my website (semi-automatically) in different languages. Google already indexed 2000 pages of my website. 
Yippi Yah Yee!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pagerank gone up to 3

I always had a Google Pagerank of 2 before I started with my adventure. After 3 months I got an upgrade to pagerank 3!!!
This will get new clicks to my income :-)

Target for pagerank 4 is January 2009!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Earnings in September

I have a mission: build 200 sites and make a living out of this. It's now a month later and I have got 20 websites running!!! 

September was a good month, just looking at the turnover. Also it was an expensive month, because I had some misjudgement with the correct placement of ads. Because of this I lost 20 dollars a day with non profitable ads. All together I earned about USD 294,40 through adsense in september.
Not bad, considering I only earned 60 dollars a month in June. 

The expenditure of Yahoo ads was 200 dollar, so at the botttom line I earned 100 dollars in September. This could have been 140 dollars if I didn't make the mistake with the wrong ads.